Saturday 18 December 2010

The Weekly News

For a quiet week it has been very interesting.

Last weekend focused on events to support the work in Malawi of Torch Trust for the Blind, for which Doreen works as a volunteer two mornings a week.  The YP fund raising event on Saturday was amazing and we had a fairly full chapel on the Sunday afternoon and a very happy time of fellowship.

On Tuesday I was single handed at the prison for our final choir practice.  It went well.  On Wednesday the prison faith Centre was full with visitors and inmates plus governor and staff.  This was the annual Christmas Concert with Kettering Salvation Army Band and Songsters, traditional readings, carols etc.  My group of prisoners put on a playlet and a carol (sung to an old Roger Whittiker tune).  The lads were superb and afterwards I was inundated by people singing the praises of our choir.  I kept referring them on to the lads - many of who were glowing!

On Friday we managed to do carol singing around Theddingworth - well it's a small village.

To finish off the week I have been sending out my Christmas cards (not quite at the deadline) and running off copies of the new CD of "Treasured Gospel Songs".  These are mainly golden oldies.  If you don't get one in the post and would like one please let me know.  I will add a few more of these to the website at as this will give you some idea of what is on the CD.

A friend tweeted me this week.  No one ever did that before!  Later the same friend sent a tweet with a link to a marvelous video on Youtube.  It really is great and I commend it to you shamelessly!

This Sunday I am at Yelvertoft in the morning and singing at Theddingworth in the evening.  On Monday I will be a well known fictional character giving out presents at a local school.  I hope the beard doesn't scratch as much this year.  The burning question is, "Will any of the children know it is me?"

Then final preparation for the weekend and a few days of rest.

Happy Christmas!


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